Troy Rollo prefers to receive his briefs in electronic form.
A secure facility (that does not rely on external services) is available for exchanging large electronic files. Details and login information will be provided to instructing solicitors on request.
While he can deal with a brief in nearly any electronic form, experience has shown that a good way of organising an electronic brief is as follows:
- separate files for each document;
- files organised in sub-folders for "Observations", "Court" and "Documents";
- file names commencing with a date, and then sequence numbers, in the form "YYYYMMDD.hhmmss.####";
- when assigning number in the "####" portion, it is recommended to start numbering at "0100" for the first document for a particular date/time, then "0200" for the second document for that date/time, so that you can insert new documents in the sequence;
- if one conceptual document is composed of multiple other documents, you can indicate this by assigning any "master" document a number in the form "0100", and then the sub-documents can extend the number by numbering in the form "0100.0100", "0100.0200", and so on;
- electronic mail that will form part of the evidence should normally be obtained from the client, and provided in the brief, in their original electronic form. This means it should normally be in "MSG" format if using Microsoft Exchange (or Microsoft Outlook), and "EML" format using other programs;
- when obtaining electronic mail from clients, it is best if they forward the emails as an attachment - ordinary ("inline") forwarding destroys important parts of the evidence.