The recipient of emails at the email address marked "(no spam)", which is followed by a link to this page, does not consent to receiving emails that seek to sell or advertise a product or service, but does consent to receiving emails of each of the following kinds:

  1. individual, person to person emails (see below);
  2. emails from solicitors (and their employees) wishing to engage the services of the recipient;
  3. emails from solicitors and barristers (and their employees), relating to a specific transaction or matter.

An individual, person to person email is an email that satisfies the following requirements:

  1. the sender has sought to contact the specific recipient;
  2. the email is not sent as part of an automated email to large numbers of recipients; and
  3. there is no intention to sell any product or service, beyond those parts of an email that might do so collaterally (such as information about the sender and the sender's organisation customarily included in the footer of the email, or information identifying the sender or the sender's business).

On the limited occasions where the recipient does consent to receiving emails outside of this rule, a separate email address at the receiving domain will be created for the benefit of the sender. The consent is not transferrable, and the email address will be deleted if it is used by any other sender.

Under the Spam Act 2003 it is illegal to send an email advertising a product or service to a person within Australia without the consent of the recipient.

Email sent to any of the email addresses on this web site is read by a person within Australia.

While consent can be inferred in some circumstances, including, under clause 4 of Schedule 2 to the Act, by "conspicuous publication" of the email address, paragraph 4(2)(d) of Schedule 2 prevents consent from being inferred from "conspicuous publication" if the publication is accompanied by a statement to the effect that the recipient does not want to receive unsolicited commercial electronic messages at that electronic address. the explanatory memorandum for the Bill for that Act mentioned "no spam" as one of the phrases that might be used for that purpose.

Violations of the Spam Act 2003 will be reported. Significant penalties apply.